I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Mike Williams at 10:00 hrs. Members present: Arden Potter, Larry Helsley, George Owen and Bill Britton. Members absent: None Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Jim Underwood, and Clerk Lisa Guglielmina.
A. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2015 –
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –
MSC Potter/Helsley to approve the consent agenda as presented.
A. Review/Approve closing statements for the Annual Audit of 2013/2014- Discussion on commissioners talking to Jeanne individually. Discussion on in-house accounting and obtaining an accounting program. Clerk in favor of CPA suggestion for a program of either Peachtree or QuickBooks, will look into costs.
MSC Potter/Owen to approve 2013/2014 audit and for the Clerk to look into the costs of obtaining an accounting program.
B. Discuss/Approve Resolution No: 15-1, Identifying the terms and conditions for Fire Department response away from their official duty station and assigned to an emergency incident – Chief mentioned that each Fire Department must have on file with OES a resolution to pay firefighters from portal to portal. Attending a meeting in April on the rates, will have more information then. Short discussion on pay rates.
MSC Owen/Britton to approve Resolution No: 15-1, Identifying the terms and conditions for Fire Department response away from their official duty station and assigned to an emergency incident.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Britton, Potter, Helsley, Owen, Williams/ Noes: None/ Absent: None/ Abstain: None
C. Discuss/Approve WFPD and WCSD fire hydrant preliminary purchase agreement. Discussion on maintenance, repair, upgrades on current system, and replacement of hydrants. Questions on sections 1.3.1, and 4.4.1.
MSC Britton/Owen to approve WFPD and WCSD fire hydrant preliminary purchase agreement with the changes discussed, and to authorize the Board Chairman, Mike Williams, and Fire District Attorney Jim Underwood to sign the agreement.
D. Discuss/Approve increase in payment from budgeted amount for helicopter insurance for members, due to unexpected increase in participation-fiscal impact $640.00. – Discussion on Policy, budget, attendance, and participation.
MSC Owen/Helsley to approve increase in payment from budgeted amount for helicopter insurance, due to unexpected increase in participation.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: They are working behind Tops Supermarket area.
B. Fire Chief/Marshall Report:
· Motel/Hotel inspections
· Jail inspections
· 2 new homes being built in the District
· 1 new mobile home in the District
· USFS prescribed burn
· Structure fire on East Weaver Road – 14 responders from WFD
· Meeting with fire inspector today
· Slip and fall at Station One – individual has good insurance, no claim to be processed.
· In escrow on dorm building
· Trinity County in process of changing their policy on fee waivers
· Fee waivers for dorm project
· EMS training
· Fire Behavior class on March 28th
· Chief Alvord commended Assistant Chief, Todd Corbett on his leadership on the East Weaver fire.
C. Fire Department Report: None.
D. Sleeper Program Reports: Ernie will be back on Thursday.
E. Committee Reports:
· Recruitment Committee: 5 applications sent in, interviews scheduled for March 24 and 25. Discussion on interviews, open session, and closed session.
· Collection Committee: No report
· Contract Committee: WFPD and WCSD preliminary agreement.
· Tuition Committee: No report.
· Budget Committee: will start meeting in April.
F. Director Reports: None.
VI. CORRESPONDENCE: Discussion on a letter received from a hazard reduction client.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:33 hrs.
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Mike Williams, Chairman Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board